Courtesy Photo: The REX Activity Center
Ryan Dufresne
The Paw Print
Adams State College’s Rex Activity Center was closed on Jan. 31 after the sewer pipes backed up in the building.
The entire building had to be shut down for a day to find and repair the damage that was done. Debris that had been flushed down the toilets including: cell phones, tampons, paper towels, tree roots, and more caused the damage. The rumor that the damage was caused when a Monster Drink can was flushed down the toilet is completely false, according to ASC Facility Services. The Rex Center was shut down until approximately 3 p.m. when the custodians were able to get in and clean up the mess so that the Rex building would be safe for the students and community members of the San Luis Valley to enjoy once again.
The Rex Sewer system has backed up into the building before, but this is the first time in two years.
The cost for repairing the Rex Center was very steep and funds were requested from the city of Alamosa to help get the building back to working condition.
Faculty Drive and the High-Rise apartments have also been having some problems with their sewer systems. There are a few buildings on campus that have had a bad smell in them which may be due to dry P-traps.
To help make sure that the pipes in the Rex will not get backed up again, Facility Services sakes anyone who is using the facilities at Adams State to not flush anything that could potentially clog the sewer system again.
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