Photo by Kellicia Morse: ASC students can take advantage of the many tests available for minimal cost.
Jose Orozco
The Paw Print
If you’re training or just want to learn how to develop that “Beach Body,” ASC’s Human Performance Lab is the place to go! According to Dr. Tracey Robinson the director of the lab, “Since opening back in January, we have seemingly been booked every week and with a good mixture of community members and students!” Testing is done every Tuesday from 5 to 7 p.m. by appointment only.
The hours are set for this semester but might change in the future. The lab has been open since Jan. 24 and is located in Plachy Hall, room B119. “At one time we were a closet upstairs,” says Robinson, “but we were awarded a grant and we upgraded to what we have now.” Gratitude shined from her face as she shared the history.
The HPPE Human Performance Lab is designed for fitness testing and allows individuals to take advantage of the extensive equipment at a minimal cost, ranging from $2 to $25. The amount includes the testing and fitness counseling with the option to have Maria Martinez develop an individualized fitness program suited to your needs and goals. Maria is one of the graduate program’s practicum students and will only be offering this deal for a minimal time, suggesting you make an appointment by the end of the semester.
There are currently four types of fitness tests available with a larger menu to come. The first test is the VO2 Max, designed to test aerobic endurance or how much oxygen your body uses during high intensity exercise. A nice addition is the instrument also calculates lactate threshold used to determine how intense a work out is best for your goals. VO2 Max testing usually lasts about 30 to 45 minutes.
If you are looking for a more comprehensive test, the Fitness Age Test assesses muscular and cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, and body fat composition to give you a “fitness age.” This test lasts about 20 minutes. If you just want the body fat composition assessment, it is offered as a stand alone result. Body composition is a measure of lean body mass, muscle and bone, and body fat percentage. This test can last anywhere from five to ten minutes. Body composition consists of measurements in girth and skin fat at 7 pinches. The last test offered is the Wingate Anaerobic Power test. The bicycle variety is what is commonly assessed in the Human Performance lab. As the name implies this test assesses the power and immediate strength systems and can last about 15 minutes.
If you want to learn how to train at your maximum potential, or if you just want to check out the facility call Dr. Robinson at 927-3732. She can also be emailed at tlrobins@adams.edu. Remember, knowledge is power. Just think how much power you can gain by visiting the HPPE’s Human Performance lab on Tuesdays between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.
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