
La Puente Hope Week

Ashley Grover South Coloradan La Puente Hope Week is coming up, giving students the opportunity to raise awareness about the homeless community here in Alamosa and offer a hand to help. Events for Hope Week will begin Monday, September 21 and will include diverse activities from a candlelight vigil to a community picnic. “Our goal […]

CSU Professor Speaks

ASC guest speaker discusses “Lost in Translation” Armando Montano South Coloradan Adams State Colleges English Theater and Communications Department welcomed Dr. Brian L. Ott for a guest lecture on the film “Lost in Translation” Thursday, September 10th. Dr. Brian L. Ott, professor of media studies at Colorado State University, made his first visit to the […]

New AS&F President Appointed Amid Controversy

Nicole Plowright South Coloradan Alamosa– As of September 3, 2009 Micah Anderson is no longer AS&F President for the 2009-2010 school year. He formally stepped down at the senate meeting on September 3rd due to failure to meet requirements as stated in the AS&F constitution. Taking his place as president is Jacque Archuleta. The executive […]

Course Specific Art Fees Proposed

Dave Hargis South Coloradan A proposal to introduce or restructure course fees for some art classes was introduced at last Thursday’s Associated Students and Faculty Senate (AS&F) meeting. Art Department Chair Margaret Doell gave a short presentation that outlined the nature of the fees and began the process of receiving public input on the proposal. […] is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
