Photo By Brenda Figueroa: AIDS Awareness Quilts
Armando Montano
The Paw Print
Adams State College is in full preparations for the annual observance of AIDS Awareness week. Administrators and advocates at Adams State College are joining with other community organizations to hold several events on campus in hopes of spreading awareness on prevention of HIV and AIDS infection among all populations worldwide. AIDS Awareness Week at Adams is from Nov. 28 through Dec. 1 in conjunction to World AIDS day, observed on Dec. 1 every year worldwide, to inspire and motivate the college population to take necessary steps to prevent the spread of harmful sexually transmitted diseases and support those infected in the face of adversity.
This year’s World AIDS day theme is “getting to zero”, in hopes of condensing efforts in reducing the pandemic cases to nonexistent. AIDs and HIV are very dangerous sexually transmitted diseases that diminish the host’s immune system leaving the infected extremely vulnerable to other infections and illness. The spread and scope of the infection of AIDS/HIV has been classified as a global pandemic over the past three decades, giving way to many movements in support of the use of safe sex and testing after sexual activity. Many believe that the disease is the most urgent humanitarian concern of world health in recent history, making it very important to maintain awareness among the public. AIDS/HIV have been impacting every culture and society in the world, thus inspiring a worldwide unity that allows every nation to rally together against the destructive disease. In this spirit of unity, Adams has organized several events for the local AIDS Awareness week.
On campus, throughout the week, free condoms and information about sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS/HIV are available from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. in the Student Union Building. Students and faculty are also welcome to visit the AIDS Quilts being displayed the in the Student Union Building Mall Court to see the personal impact the disease has made on individuals, in a full range of the human spirit coping with personal hurt and overcoming strife. Tuesday, Nov. 29 at 6 p.m. in the Student Life Center the film “Rent” will be played, free to everyone. After the film, a discussion of the film as well as the real life application of AIDS will follow. On Thursday, December 1st, all students are encouraged to attend an HIV testing from 9 a.m. until 12 p.m. and again at 2 p.m. until 5 p.m. on the third floor of the SUB. In conclusion of the events on Thursday and World AIDS day, an AIDS video and vigil are planned from 6 pm until 8 pm in observance to all those who are personally affected by the disease and maintain unity against the pandemic. IDS Awareness Week here at Adams is sponsored in part by Valley Wide Health Systems, SLV Mental Health Center, SLV Regional Medical Center, SLV Area Health Education Center, dams State Counseling and Career Center, Adams State Cross Cultural Center, Southern Colorado AIDS Project. With their involvement in setting up this week of observation, this year’s AIDS Awareness Week will hopefully get all students avidly aware of the pandemic and make efforts to get the disease under control and liminated. For more information about AIDS Awareness week here at Adams State College and the events on campus,
call 719-587-7226.
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