Derek Chacon
The Paw Print
Let’s face it; people like their science fiction and fantasy. Just look at the top ten highest grossing films of all time – Avatar, Harry Potter, Transformers – just to name a few. Whether we fully embrace our nerdiness, or try to keep it subdued to a more subtle level, there’s a place where we can all let out our inner nerd here at Adams State, and that place is the Science Fiction and Fantasy Guild.
Founded by Extended Studies staff member Dave Hargis, the club’s mission statement reads, “To provide like-minded enthusiasts of science fiction and fantasy genres a place to meet, play games and exchange ideas in an environment focused on fun and camaraderie.” While it may seem like the club is designed to fit a niche crowd, the doors are open to all students and community members, and provides a fun, welcoming environment for all those who want to stop by.
“I like the camaraderie aspect most. It provides a chance to hang out with friends doing something we all like,” remarked Dave in regards to the club’s weekly game nights. On Tuesday evenings beginning at 6, club members gather on the top floor of the SUB, room 309, to enjoy a night of games, companionship, and all around fun for everyone.
Some of the more popular games played at the weekly game nights include Magic: The Gathering, The Werewolves of Miller’s Hollow, and a variety of table-top role-playing games similar in nature to Dungeons & Dragons. “The core of these games is building a story that is driven by the combined efforts of the entire group,” said one role-playing participant.
While there may be an emphasis on games of a fantastical nature, there is no discrimination, and games of all varieties are played, ranging from classic games such as Scrabble, to newly popularized games like Pirate’s Dice. In addition to this, students are welcome to bring their own games and potentially offer something new to the club and other club members. Who knows what new ideas and adventures may come up?

Sci-Fi Club
Membership to the club is simple and non-demanding. “The Sci/Fi Guild is a recreational club. It’s a place to kick back and relax. We want everyone to have fun, not think of it as a chore, a job or another class they have to do work for,” commented Hargis. As such, the club asks for no demands from members outside of being included on a mailing list for news and updates. Given this, members are encouraged to be involved in campus events and activities, but not expected to do so.
Despite the low-pressure atmosphere, the Sci-Fi Guild has remained an active club in recent years. Their homecoming displays for last year included a zombie infested circus skit in the medicine show, and a zombie-killing parade float known as the “Klown Killer.”
So if you’re interested in exploring the uncharted realms of a long-lost kingdom, or ready to hunt down a pack of werewolves terrorizing a small town, Sci-Fi is the place for you. If you simply want to sit down, make some friends, and have a good time while you’re awt, that works, too. Just stop by SUB 309 on Tuesday nights. Your next adventure awaits.
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