AS&F Senate Proposes Changes to Constituion

Jessie Harper
The Paw Print

Every year, the chief of justice, Amber Harlan, and AS&F get together to make changes to the existing Senate Constitution because of the increasing evolution of the student body. This year, the changes are as follows:
Article 1 Meeting Policies and Procedures; Section 1:  Attendance
Section 1c. Clubs will receive 1 pt for every meeting at which their club representative is present. If they are not present then they do not receive the points for that meeting. At the end of the semester, every club whose club representative was present at every meeting for that semester will receive 5 points for their club.
Section 1d: All retreats are mandatory. If a club does not send a representative then they will not receive the point for that meeting.
Section 1e: Clubs who miss two meetings will be dropped to inactive status and only be eligible for 40% of funding from AS&F.
Section 3b. Action Items Action items are items that are on the agenda. Old discussion includes items that have been addressed at a previous meeting and now require a vote. New discussion includes items that have not been addressed at a previous meeting. These can still be voted on.
Article V. AS&F Section 3e. Policies
Travel Rates
The AS&F Senate will approve $60 for a hotel per night per room (quad occupancy). AS&F Senate will follow the travel per diem guidelines outlined by the State of Colorado.
AS&F will fund up to $1000 per person for up to seven people for international flight
Article VII – Elections
Section 3b. Elections of the Executive Branch shall take place in March. However, the term of the executive members shall not commence until May 1. Petitions for all elective offices are due in the AS&F office by 5 p.m. the Friday preceding the AS&F Government meeting for candidacy approval.
Section 4. With the exception of freshman senators and officers, all AS&F senators shall be chosen in a general election held in March for one school week that does not overlap any academic breaks. All members of the AS&F Government shall be elected by a plurality vote of those eligible voters casting their ballots in the general election. In the case of a tie vote, a runoff election will be held to determine the winner.
Article XII AS& F Budget; Section 2. Allocating Funds
Section 2b. The executive board will schedule each quarterly meeting for the semester according to that year’s academic calendar.
Section 2c. Budget proposals for the quarterly meetings are due  two weeks before the meeting, in order to give time for the budget committee and Judicial Branch to determine the proposal’s constitutionality.
Section 2d. When allocating funds, AS&F Government shall consider the following criteria as well as any other information deemed necessary:
Extent of organization involvement in community service
Percent of funds that have currently been raised
Extent of involvement in AS&F required activities
Section 2e. If money is left over at the end of the last quarterly meeting of the academic year, bills may be written on the floor during the last quarterly meeting to be presented requesting funds. The president may designate the allotted amount of time to compose the bills.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, Amber Harlan and AS&F Senate can be contacted via email:
Amber Harlan: AS&F:
The AS&F office is located in the Student Life Center in the Student Union Building. Feel free to stop by during their posted office hours.
The vote on the Constitution will be on May 2, and voting is strongly encouraged. is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
