Final Reflection By Soledad Dominguez

We all made a difference!

This ASB experience will be unforgettable for many of us. I am sure words cannot explain enough about the involvement, the emotions, the eye openings, the social justice issues, etc., we all had during this trip. So much can happen in just a week. We all are a group of students that have set plenty of goals during our career. I feel this experience has given us motivation to continue on our journey as a student. There was so much spirit, courage, love,  team work, effort and so much more.

Personally, there were many snapshots on this trip that will stay with me forever. Some were more powerful than others. I am so grateful we were able to meet “Familias Unidas” and help paint Lupita’s and Malena’s house. I am sure they saw how influential our teamwork was. This day I was able to talk to Lupita, her husband and son. Lupita’s husband made such an impact on my life. Seeing that he was in crutches made me wonder, and I asked him what had happened. As I was listening to his story, this brought many emotions back to me. He suffered from an injury as he was diving in the ocean. This was his job like many that support their families by fishing. This injury caused him to be paralyzed from this legs and he was not able to walk.  It took him six years to get to where he is now using his crutches. As I was getting to know all the group that had come to this trip, I told them about a car accident I was in a year and a couple months ago. This car accident had happened in Mexico, and I had not been to Mexico or had been on a lengthy trip since then. Since I suffer from PTSD because of it, it caused a lot of anxiety.   But I was not going to let my fears take advantage of me. From all the injuries I had, it took me a while to recuperate. Things just aren’t the same after a traumatic experience like that. This is why listening to Lupita’s husband’s story made me gain so much motivation. I can also say that I am grateful to be where I am at right now. It made realize even more that things can always be worse!

Even though I experienced many snapshots in this trip, this is one story I could personally say really impacted me .
