The Home Stretch: How to Survive the Back Half of the Semester

Jordie Smith 

The Paw Print

Alright Grizzlies, we’re already a week into the home stretch of the semester. Most of us, hopefully, have fully recovered from the craziness of spring break and are ready to roll again. Some of you out there already know what’s due before it’s even assigned, and others of us, like myself, are scrambling through all of the syllabi trying to figure out what needs to be done before the end of the semester. If you are part of the second group of people then continue reading. If you already have your life together and aren’t stressing about the end of the year you can stop here, unless you are looking for a good laugh. Unfortunately, if any of you are like me you know you have a lot to prepare yourself for as the semester comes to an end. Now is the time when all of our professors decide it’s a great idea to assign essays, presentations, and tons of homework at the same time. Apparently we aren’t the only ones who like to save everything for the last minute. Yes, thinking of everything that’s due within the next month can be quite stressful, and very intimidating to say the least. Here are five tips to help de-stress and own this last month of the semester.

De-Clutter: Sometimes the best place to start when trying to get your life back on track is right in your own living area. If you have a messy room, house, or car this could add a lot of extra stress on top of the stress you’re already feeling. Take 15 minutes a day to straighten up, because a clean room equals a clean mind. (It’s a good start anyway.)

Organize and Prioritize: Start by looking through all of your notebooks and binders. Organize all notes and homework assignments from each of your classes and keep them all together. If your notes are readily available this will make studying that much easier and seem like less work for you. After looking through your syllabi you now have a good idea of when your assignments are due. Priority is important. If you have an essay due in one week, but have a pizza party in two, do your paper. Pizza Hut will still be making pizza for you next week.

Go To The Library: I understand, sometimes the library can be a scary place. It’s too quiet, zombies live there, oh wait those are college students. Either way, as much as I hate to break it to you, the library might be your second home this month. Aside from the creepy zombie invasion the library can, and will be helpful to you and here’s why. Other students in your classes may be there in case you have any questions about an assignment. The library carries thousands of books with information on essay topics (shocker, I know) and they are right there, ready for you to use. Also, if you are easily distracted the library is a nice, quiet place where you can focus on your homework without the interruption of others.

Balance Social Time: No, I am not saying to lock yourself in your room, turn off your phone, and go off the grid for the next month (unless that would help you), but what I am saying is to limit yourself to maybe one night a week to hang out with your friends, chill out, and reward yourself with a few beers or a good movie after the hard work you’ve put in that week. A good relaxing night once a week is important if you’d like to make it through the semester with a little bit of sanity. Too much fun though will make it hard to stay focused and finish the semester strong.

Talk To Professors: My final tip for you, and may arguably be the most important, is to communicate with your professors. If you’re struggling in a class your time to fix something is quickly decreasing. If you have a question about a grade, or are confused about last class’s lecture your professors are always willing to help you out. Yes, sometimes talking to professors can be intimidating, but that may be the one thing you need to help finish out the semester on a high note.

All in all, you are where you’re at for a reason. If you are happily floating above the clouds then keep doing what you’re doing. If you’re struggling and your nose is barely above water (you are not the only one) then it’s time to make some changes and bring in that big ‘W’ on the semester. Good luck grizzlies, you’re all going to do awesome and hey, we’re almost there! is powered by WordPress µ | Spam prevention powered by Akismet
