The 2017 Classified Employee Officer Election

The 2017 Classified Employee Officer Election

The ASU Classified Employee Council Annual Retreat on June 12, 2017 in the school of business. This was the first of what we hope will be many more fruitful and productive meetings in the future. Our primary objective of the retreat was to get our officers elected and seated so we can begin serving you, the finest classified employee staff in the Great State of Colorado! Below are the results of the election:

Classified Employee Council Officers

Dodie Day, Chair

ASU School of Business

Susan Ennis. Vice-Chair

ASU Extended Studies

Bennie Chacon, Treasurer

ASU Student Business Services

Kristina Cook, Secretary

ASU Nursing Department

Erik Pascoe, Sergeant at Arms

ASU Facilities Services

Matt Chacon, Communications Officer

ASU Computing Services

Jeff Gallegos, State Liaison Representative

ASU Financial Aid/One Stop


Congratulations to our new officials! Feel free to contact any one or all of your council members if there is something we can do to help you.

Great things are happening, so be on the lookout for more news, minutes and events coming up in the very near future. Keep an eye on our webpage

About Jeff Gallegos

ASU Employee since 2015


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